Monday, December 8, 2008

From Martian to Earthling

In this chapter Dan just bashes the Christian idea of becoming a citizen of God's spiritual country, pretty much assuring yourself a place to live after your body dies. What's odd is that he thinks bashing something because it sounds weird, and therefore in his eyes stupid, will really help someone make up their mind about it. If it's true, it's true no matter if it sounds weird or not. I'm sure the earth being round and electrons and atoms swirling within you and radio waves passing through us constantly all sounded and actually still does sound weird when it's introduced as a possible truth.

"Why do intelligent poeple believe? They believe by default."

It seems Dan is saying people who become a Christian do it by default, without thinking, without considering the world around them. It is by these things, thinking, reasoning, considering the world around me, history, science, biology, intropy, psychology, myself, and others that I have come to the conclusion that the bible is true.


Nate Temple said...

I'm a born again Christian but I'm also a scientific person also. I think the bible was written in a remarkable manner to be pertinant 2000 years ago but even still in this highly scientific, and technologically driven world, still has purpose and meaning that can be taken from it. Our understanding of the Universe is always growing and as it grows we learn to gain more knowledge unlocked from the bible. I'm curious to how the bible will reveal itself in ways unknown to us when life is discovered beyond our own celestial cradle.

Ryan Favale said...

A lot of the Bible speaks of people, God, and the relationship between the two. But it also mentions historical events, especially in the old Testament, and scientific events usually in the form of future predictions (prophesies) and decsriptions of the world around them. It's always written from the perspective of the writer, which usually comes out so odd sounding. The most interesting are the prophesies of the "end times", describing technology that has only come out in the last 100 years!